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Beth Bakes specialises in the unique flavours of your dreams! Not only are there the usual chocolate and vanilla, but Monster Energy, beer peanut & pretzel and candy floss.
The most special thing about Beth Bakes cupcakes are that the sponges carry the flavour as well as the topping. Malteser cupcakes are made with Ovaltine and crushed Maltesers. Cherry cola is a cola and cherry sponge.
Cupcakes are available to order in boxes of 6, with one flavour per box. At events, Beth Bakes has up to 40+ flavours available often leading to some hard decisions!
Cupcake bouquets
Cupcake bouquets are incredibly popular and come in three standard sizes: small (7 cupcakes), medium (12 cupcakes) or large (19 cupcakes). They are available in chocolate, lemon or vanilla cake with vanilla or lemon buttercream.
Prices are:
Small.......................... £25
Medium.................... £35
Large.......................... £45

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